so far
In the first portion of the project KO communities including Deer Lake, North Spirit Lake, Keewaywin, Poplar Hill, and Mac Dowell Lake were visited. While on location and ‘visiting’ with the various community members, information was collected to form the initial database to be used to structure Indigenous curriculum. The finished curriculum will be translated into the 4 regional dialects of Ojibway, Cree, Oji-Cree, and English.
Project initiative was formulated to be able to gain better insight and understanding of the culture and knowledge base of First Nations Indigenous education. Keewaytinook Okimakanak Northern Chiefs, KOBE along with community advocates began an initiative to create educational resource curriculum from the KO communities for the KO communities, most importantly to create resources for the children and future generations.
The first part of data collection was called ‘visits’ to gather “Stories from the Community’. This plan was used to create materials from the knowledge base of members and local resources of the K.O. communities. Extra effort is made to accommodate participants by creating a more comfortable atmosphere. At times this extends to visiting participants in their homes or location of their choosing. The outcome was understanding. Understanding that knowledge and stories should be shared to strengthen not only the community , but the connection between communities. Understanding that materials will be used in the local school system and families. Completed materials are now being refined for further development with the objective of curriculum development.
Collection of data has progressed. Raw data is in transition. It is only a matter of time to be able to see the first iteration and prototype model of these new educational resources
Learn More About K.O.
The rich history of Keewaytinook Okimakanak includes traditional life, migration settlement and connection to the land.
Find out how the communities came together as tribal councils, nations, communities and families to form K.O.
Check out the Treaty No.5 and No.9 Community Curriculum.
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Board of Education
Honouring Our Stories is proudly supported by the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Board of Education. K.O.B.E’s full commitment to this project has helped countless individuals share their story which will indubitably help build a strong future.